Thursday 15 January 2009

Book Of 100...

Statement on intent.

1. State the title and focus of your work in response to the brief.
I'm presuming this is for our week brief (to produce a 32 page booklet of some kind)...So if it's wrong, I apologise. My title is going to be "A 100 known and clearly very unknown comic characters." Possibly until i think of a better tittle. I'm going to have 30 pages filled with a 100 comic characters, inked and coloured with their Codenames. As they needed to be double pages spread for what I am achieving I will have page 1 and page 32 free for contents and a disclaimer page. (As the art work is not fully mine. They will be freehand copy's of original work to same time/brain power.)

2. Identify specific area's of research that you intend to investigate and the methods that you will use.
I have been researching many of the artists who have drawn these characters over the years and also which writers have their current run (if any). As some of the characters are deceased or currently unused, they too will also be identified.

3. Identify specific practical methods and technical process that you intend to use in order to visually develop your ideas.
I will be using illustrations that I have done over the week. They will be sketched in pencil, inked with various black pens and then scanned into Photoshop to be cleaned and the flat colours to be laid down. The names and numbers will be added in Photoshop as well as coloured backgrounds. I will explore the idea of how to colour fast, whether I do whole sections or leave some with our colour in the Background.

4. What methods will you use to evaluate the progress and success of your work?
I will evaluate the success of my work by group responses and to gather information on what I could do to improve my work.

This guy rocks:

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