Tuesday 17 March 2009

Some Great Work...

Some pieces of art and graphics I've stumbled across of late.

All art can be found over at Devaintart.com

First and for most, one of my favorite comic book artists: Skottie Young. His style never ceases to amaze and amuse me. Marvel is doing a series of Wolverine covers done by different artist drawing in the style of old school artists, he picked Edward Gorey. (Another great and differnt artist)
Skottie Young

Some likes Pocky a little too much I think. I can really see the style all the way through this design. However, it's adorable and a part of me still knows it's female and I have to grin at grahics like this.

I thought this was sort of sweet, sorry.

I live near this guy, it was quite peculair to find him over on DA. We where making CVs last year in my ND class and I was over whelmed by this design which he knocked in no amount of time. He's got a a real eye for design and I actually see him being big in the world of Graphic Design.

And because I like the look of good logos that work well. Besides, i like the colour scheme.

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