Wednesday 12 November 2008

Visual Studies...Thing

It's bad news when you actaully forget what the hell the brief is called. There must be a bit of paper around here somewhere with the information on but...My house currently makes "How Clean Is Your House" look like Buckingham Palace...Before hand. *shudders*

Anyhow, have some images made out of paper. Blinding Bright Paper!

(It's chair and table you perverts.)

I wasn't so fond of this lesson, mainly becasue I'm not to good with the whole cutting and sticking thing and ahving fun with it. Sometimes it's good to feel like a child but I just could'nt get into it. However, I did like this weeks =D

I made a bunny, a teddy bear and a worm. Life is good.

(I have created a new Digimon. BEHOLD: Plushiemon!)

(I didn't take a picture of the Teddy so have a screaming worm instead.)

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