I'm really into my books and I'm currently reading an on going Horror series by Laurell K. Hamilton. Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter is a series narrated by the title character. At first I didn't think I'd like the 1st person aspect but Hamilton really pulls it off.
Anita lives in a fictional St. Louis much like our own, save that, not only are things like vampires and shapshifters real, but everyone knows that they're real and they are considered citizens of America, much like normal humans. The novels follow Anita's ongoing conflicts with the supernatural as she attempts to solve a variety of supernatural mysteries, come to terms with her own abilities, and navigate an increasingly complex series of romantic and political relationships.
On top of that ir's really gory...A four month old baby being eaten by a rougue zombie for expamle! =D
The other year though Marvel decided they would try their hands at turning the series into a collection on comics. Starting with the first book: Guilty Pleasures. (a vampire strip club ;D)
My best friend in Texas really got me into the series but she didn't know about the comic version untill I sent her one for christmas last year. XD

(Looks so homoerotic...Philip Died though DX)

The artwork is astounding though and I'm really looking forward to getting volume one some time before new year. DX...The second volume, book 2: The laughing corpse (vampire and Zombie comedy club...go figure) has started up and I bought the 1st issue the other week...Can't wait for number 2!
I'm on book 3 now, "the circus of the dammed"...do I even need to tell you what that is...No. I'm terrible with books and comics...once i get into them, I never stop...
I'm on book 3 now, "the circus of the dammed"...do I even need to tell you what that is...No. I'm terrible with books and comics...once i get into them, I never stop...
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