Thursday 29 January 2009

Book Progress And All That Jazz...

So far my idea has changed more times than my socks, and I have allot of socks. Last week Lorenzo suggested the idea that instead of a 100 comic book characters, that I should have a 100 comic book concepts. (Something I couldn't explain to Jo in crit, which is never a good thing to be able to do.)

For Example. A mutant is a concept and so is the idea of wearing capes or being an alien. To me it was fantastic idea and I jotted down as many concepts as I could think of before having to scour Comic Vine (It's a slow site, not your computer). The nerds over there have categorised as many concepts that crop in a wide array of comics. However, as I know more about Marvel that any other publisher, I've decided to stick to that. (Though I'm looking at a DC tittle at the mo ¬ ¬...I feel sort of dirty but it looks interesting...)

(They're in the wrong oder...Sorry ¬ ¬) But going from bottom up, they where some of the first idea's. But I thought I thought it looked very restricted and wanted something more free and personal.

Then I remembered a quote along these lines: I'm sorry, I left my super hero hand book in my other tights(!) *warning, Wiccan Sarcasm ahead*

Dug out my young it then realized I was supposed to doing work. XD:

So now my book is going to be based around a note book. As if someone was studying to be a superhero and needed a handbook. You just know it would be this note book type thing that's been passed from side kick to side kick. (Even though Marvel have had a no side kick policy since buckys death...that seems to be changing. Why yes, I am a nerd, thanks for noticing.)

I was wondering what kind of media I could print this information onto and I had a ponder in the liabry and came across a brown paper sketch book:

(Well it is whited it a did the groovy throw we have ;D)

I had a blonde moment and couldn't figure out how I was going to get all the pages off. For some reason i thought I could only get the cover off. Thanks to my mum, I figured it out ;D

Don't worry, there is a method to my madness and I shall get this to work how it looks in my head...somehow...ukk.

1 comment:

David Gasi said...

A sidekick handbook would be handy, to distribute to my minions and all.