Thursday 29 January 2009

So I met a comic book artist today...

An illustrator by the name of Frazer Irving. I have the Iron man comics he did and the Civil war front line one. It was kind of refreshing knowing someone professional depends on sorely photoshop and a waccom tablet for their art. Illustrator bugs me and painter irritated the hell out, I'll stick to PS. If it's good enough for Irving, then it's good enough for me.

It was also neat seeing his old old work form when he was not much younger than me and how he's progressed as an artist over the years. I too can't stand milk bottles on a wall and had many arguments with my ND teacher last year who believed comics where not an art form or a graphic design form. (Stupid...)

I also admit that I now want to read Klarion the witch boy...which is DC ¬ ¬... Oh well, it was time I broadened my Horizon anyway:

And I didn't Fan Girl out on him...

It'll be a few years until I can save up for San Deigo/NY comic con...and even then, another ten years (or more...yes more) till I want to show my stuff. Because write now, my 3 weeks old sister can puke better things.

1 comment:

David Gasi said...

hey, good stuff you got to meet an illustrator in an area you're interested in. Am surprised its all done digitally in photoshop, thanks for sharing.