Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Cocept Proposal: The Newbies!

What is the problem?
The the first years come into all this sudden money that they have not bee used to before. Silly spending ensues on non essential goods and their food budget is cut considerably. Up until the next Loan installment, not everyone has enough money to eat.

What are you going to do about it? (identify, inform, promote)
I intend to Promote a ration box for the 1st years that they can use in case of emergency's.

How are you going to do it?
By researching various existing ration boxes from all kinds of backgrounds. Also looking into what cheap pre-packeaged food exists in the current market. (nothing that needs to be frozen or refridgerated.)

Saturday, 25 April 2009

A Brief History of the Grid

From a natural point of view:

Vitruvian Man; "The drawing is based on the correlations of ideal human proportions with geometry described by the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius in Book III of his treatise De Architectura. Vitruvius described the human figure as being the principal source of proportion among the Classical orders of architecture. Other artists had attempted to depict the concept, with less success. The drawing is traditionally named in honour of the architect."

The Modulor is a scale of proportions devised by the French, Swiss born architect Le Corbusier (1887–1965).

From This:

(Leopoldo Metlicovitz, “Fleurs de Mousse,” 1914.
Advertising poster for French perfume.)

To This:

But this is al very well and said, but design with the grid system has come along way:

A more modern theme which would work better for craigs interview piece. Apart from the Warcraft spread, I think the other 2 work exceptionally well but i think the two black and white pieces work better.

Layout Brief: Craig Fawell

In the few weeks leading up to Easter break, we've been having type and grid workshops. These have been very insightful and I've now realised that I have only just begun to scratch the surface when it comes to these kinds of layouts.

Now all of this knowledge I have gained on the anatomy of typefaces and the correct way to measure grids and columns has to be presented in an article based on a fellow designer. I was paired up with Craig who I have rarely spoken to since Septmeber. I took this as a good thing because I'm not very good at mixing with people. It was insightful because I had judged him wrong in the begining. I believd him to be one of these "football" types but as it turns out he doens't have that much interest in the sport.

He comes from a small village just out side of Leeds and enjoys going to the gym on his days off. A really nice guywho presented himself to be very calm, pleasent and insighful. He enjoys contempory Graphic Design and belives that such design should have meaning. He's not just about making somthing pretty of preseting facts and Figure. An opinion man at heart, he wants to get out there and shout it to the world! (In the form of Graphic Design ofcourse)

The interview I did with Craig went faily well and I am now to design threes dps' (double page spreads). One of these has to be an introduction piece of around 500 words. Next will be the mian body of 1, 500 worlds and the last will also have 1, 500. It's allot of words for a person i've spoken to about 3 times but luckily I'm good at making things stretch. (Besides...we can copy pasta.)

The tag line needs some work but I was thinking: "Facts and Figures are for calculators. Show me the opinion and I'll show you Graphic Design." .... It needs work.

Friday, 3 April 2009

Too True...

I couldn't have put it better myself Jamie.... No really I couldn't. 

But all humour a side, there's a few artist I want to feature and have a small rabble about their work. The first Is this guy: Michael Choi

A superb Marvel artist who, in my opinion, draws the prettiest looking X-men ever. I mean, this guy needs an award, he made Logan look man pretty. So far, thats a hard thing to do with a tiny hairy canadian man. He's working on the new and "messiah war" for Marvel and Oback is ging to go kick ass on his lines, her colours are almost painting like. 

Allot of the time it's not the writer that can make the story work, art has a big hand in the deal. I'm currently feeling that way about a certain canceled story line. Maybe if the art was more tolerable...But then I realised; no. The story was terrible. 

Mark Brooks is also another favourite of mine. There's just something animated about his works, if the budget was high enough then his art would make epic animation. I'm so looking forward to the new arc of Young Avengers, this time though it's dark reign. There is somthing almost Wither like about the guy in front, something I pointed out on the new line up. Maybe because Brooks did the New X-men artwork...maybe I just want Wither back. 

(More later when I'm not coughing my guts  up from a chest infection.)

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

End Of Module: Self Evaluation

OUGD 104
Visual Language/What is A line

Self Evaluation:

I belive I struggled a little at the begining of the "What is a line" project as I was conffused as to what I should be doing. This was my own fault for not asking questions and simply thinking It would be allright and maybe someone else would bring the point up. I was grasping at straws on what to do and kept putting off the work. Because of this my work suffered and I have not produced enough work for 4 months.

Luckily In the last few weeks I bucked my act up and got my ideas together and have produced somthing I am fairly proud of. I wish I had made the decision weeks ago to make the poster/book so I could have a series on them. It was either make one or a set. Having just two of three would look bad. This also gave me a chance to make an initial mock up of what I was going to make.

The crits helped me to an extent because I am still stuck in a stubbon mindset that I don't really need to listen to anybody elses opinion. I do take things that people have suggested on board but I don't always include this in my documentation or even my work itself.

Even though I have a final resolution, I belive there is not enough delelopment work to back up my initial ideas. I felt that the other briefs were more of a priority, and because it was a long project I thought I had time to do it, which is really not the case. I should of taken time out more regularly work on this project.

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I already knew about perspective drawing from various art classes over the years, but it's always good to go back over things that I have forgotten about. Also, I can now apply these perspective grids to basic letter forms and shapes.

In this module I have also been able to improve on my drawing skills. As illustration/technical drawing is something I really hope to improve it has been a really good opportunity to practice. I know feel allot more confident about quick exercises like pictorgrams.

I have also learnt differnt ways to represent what I think with quick exercises. For example, making animals from basic shapes and various letterform with limited stock. Some of these where really affective and I think they stand out more than if I had drawn them with a pen/pencil.

I feel that my photography has also improved as now I'm more confident in technical knowledge than I was before. I still have not quite figured out all of the settings but it is somthing I am slowly working on. I am using my own camera as much as I can to document what I am learn and these can been seen through out my blog.

What approaches to/methods of reserach have you developed and how have the informed your design development process.

Through out this module I have researched spersific things for my "What Is A Line" project by the typical use of the internet but also by using my own family files. I have learnt not to rely souly upon the internt and have also checked books out on techincal drawing and perspective.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I have kept an ongoing documentation of this module on my blog and have documented what I have learnt/created. This has helped me to manage this project more and has further reinforced certain rules I have created for my self.

I also feel that my initial making skills have come along in these last few months and the final piece for my "What Is A Line" is a fairly strong piece of design.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?

It is not nessisaraly time management that I have a problem with but my inability to look at things and go: Right, I need to be doing this now! I plan on writting more To Do lists and to ban my self from certain things like the computer/my books/comics untill I have done a suficient amount of work on the module. This way I will not be rushing on hand in day to get everything up to scratch.

I have change my initial idea more times than I really needed to. At one point I was in two minds over which way I was going to take this project and becasue of it, there does not seem to be enough work for the spercific topic I have chosen. If I had stuck to my original idea/thought of the final one nearer the begining then I would have more deleopment work.

I need to loosen up when it comes to my drawing. In the lessons with Lorenzo I wa so busy trying to make them look decent that I did not do as much as I should. It was supposed to be about the ideas and not the actual craftman ship of the drawings. I need to learn to work more freely but to also keep it neat. Currently it is somthing I am working on in all aspects of my work whether is is for Graphics or my own work.

Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

1. Decide on what I am going to do fairly quickly. To not dwindle on several possible ideas that are not going to work/go anywhere.
2. To have more worksheets and to document evreything inside a note book.
3. To think of the audeince and context before I start on a project. This way I will not be grasping at straws for what to do.
4. Keep my worksheets and all work neater. I have an tendencey to let things get ruined and so I have to re make them.
5. To not worry about making somthing look neat, but to simply get on with the idea at hand. I can always come back and work on it later if I do not think it is up to scratch.

How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
5= exellent, 4= very good, 3= good, 2= average, 1= poor

Attendance: 3
Punctuality: 4
Motivation: 3
Commitment: 3
Quantity of work produced: 2
Quality of work produced: 3
Contribution to the group: 3