Thursday 16 October 2008

Alphabet Soup: Adam's Font

So the two weeks for the fonts that we had to create for our partners. I have to admit that I am extremely disapointed in my own font that I made for Adam. Due to my poor time keeping skills, and this weeks a total head mess, I didn't quite get the affect I wanted. The layouts sheets I did for the letter forms looked a whole lot better than the ones I eventually showed at my crit.

The letters look so much better in colour and less "spooky" as to what some people thought of them. I actaully didn't see the creepy/Halloween feel to the letters until it was pointed out. I thought perhaps the "C" looked a little monsterfied, but nothing to the extreme of blood and slime. -.-

The personality traits that really stuck out for me from Adam was his quiet and artistic side which i tried to incorporate with his over appearance. He's a rather tall and bold looking guy, but not a mean or intimidating way. So using the guitar hero font (as Adam likes his guitars) I made them bold and some of them tall. The serifs where rounded off to give a softer feel and the counters where supposed to look like paint splatters.

However, having my crit and from the responses i received I've decided to try and go back to the original guitar hero font and perhaps dine the paint splats more so they look less like slime or dripping blood.

Adam's font he made was fantastic! I thought it really did incorporate quite a few traits of my personality. My clumsiness, my fidgeting and agitation and my almost split personality. But the bold characters behind the almost shaken ones represent that; don't worry I am all here...too an extent. =D

I also liked how the comic book aspect of my personality had also been so well incorporated into the font. All the alphabet together doens't show this very much but on the name badge he made for me, you can see it quite well.

(The only chance I will ever have an excuse to photograph my own chest)

I'm going to work more on Adam's font over this weekend and in my spare time until the hand in of the module. There is so much more I can do to it and now I have over peoples input I'm sure more ideas will come about.

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