Wednesday 3 December 2008

The Black Panthers

So Last Friday a group of us from the course went to the Black Panther expedition in Manchester at Urbis. I went there last year on my ND course and it's such a mad looking building that I had to snap a picture of it.

(The worlds lasrgest greenhouse. Gardeners everywhere experience wet underwear)

The Black Panthers were formed in California in 1966 and they played an important part in the civil rights movement. The Black Panthers believed that the non-violent campaign of Martin Luther King had failed and any promised changes to their lifestyle via the 'traditional' civil rights movement, would take too long to be implemented or simply not introduced.

My electives teacher says he remembers the group of black American athletes being sent home after they raised their hands and fist saluted in protest. It must have sent such a rush through the crowd and I wish I had been alive to witness such a bold and courageous movement.

(In the book I'm currently reading the same sort of rights campaigns are being carried out for Zombies and Vampires. "And when it's over Zombie is a zombie is a zombie." This is why I shouldn't be allowed to read horror books and then go visit a museum. -.- But it just shows that this movement inspired not only Black Americans, but everyone everywhere.

I don't know about anyone else but I was appalled that this kind of imagery was allowed in newspapers. Of course at the time, nobody cared for black rights or anybody's rights. Heck woman have only had rights in the last hundred years or so.

It was a really stunning expedition and there is far too much on the political side I could write here. On a graphic design side the pieces where great and the way they where also displayed around the room where very well thought out.

But it's kind of a kick in the teeth that many of these people who campaigned, not only for black rights, but for the general rights of human beings, never got too see Obama being elected...

What? You thought you where going to escape the comicy goodness. Pff.

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