I decided over X-mas break to research and categories a 100 comic books from my collection. About half way through counting another page I wondered why the hell I chose the subject, but i persevered like a good little student and I got it done! With very little ink left in my printer too ;D
I had no weekend...I had no sleep...I spent so much time on this booklet yet it some way, it doens't look very much. In an other way, it looks as if I've done a heck of allot.
Each page was individually done, each picture had to be found and cropped. I had to scour the internet to find info on all of the characters because unless they were Marvel of DC, they didn't have a data base. I just. DX I miss counted, I went over so I have to re do the middle page at some point.
My response was helpful, that maybe I should re work the colour a little. (I'm not a fan of red either, I thought it just looked iconic.) I didn't add a contents page because I had no room or spare pages to do so. They basically wrote everything I would have done If I had more pages...
Though being told it was too Niche was rather irritating. Who else is going to read a booklet of comic characters unless they're into that thing.
No matter how graphically pleasing a booklet on handbags is, I'm still not going to read it...
There where some good idea's though about grouping characters/teams/publisher and all that so I'll take that into consideration for when I make my final book/s. I'm not sure whether I'm going to do one of two or more of these things. And as I'm not much of a DC fan (don't judge me ¬ ¬) so I may just stick to Marvel...who knows.
(I just had to convert from CMYK to RGB to post this...otherwise everyone would have been blue and purple =D)
Techy Wecky Stuff:
Format: A5 portrait
Pages: 32 plus cover pages.
Cover Stock: 100gsm red card
Page Stock: 80gsm copier paper white
Typeface: Calibri Bold 11pt, regular 10pt and Andrew Warren 2.0 with white fill and 4pt black stroke.
Binding: Stapples baby~~~
Marvel DatabaseDC Database