Friday, 30 January 2009


A doodle of Tom:
Done in the corner of my book, but he liked it so...

Thursday, 29 January 2009

One Last Thing!

Two Adverts which are epic wins:

I know the second one was done with stop animation. The children did all the eye movements, just not quite so fast. XD

Ahh yes. I remembered growing up with Spike (Buffy) and The Rock doing very peculiar things with their eyebrows.

So I met a comic book artist today...

An illustrator by the name of Frazer Irving. I have the Iron man comics he did and the Civil war front line one. It was kind of refreshing knowing someone professional depends on sorely photoshop and a waccom tablet for their art. Illustrator bugs me and painter irritated the hell out, I'll stick to PS. If it's good enough for Irving, then it's good enough for me.

It was also neat seeing his old old work form when he was not much younger than me and how he's progressed as an artist over the years. I too can't stand milk bottles on a wall and had many arguments with my ND teacher last year who believed comics where not an art form or a graphic design form. (Stupid...)

I also admit that I now want to read Klarion the witch boy...which is DC ¬ ¬... Oh well, it was time I broadened my Horizon anyway:

And I didn't Fan Girl out on him...

It'll be a few years until I can save up for San Deigo/NY comic con...and even then, another ten years (or more...yes more) till I want to show my stuff. Because write now, my 3 weeks old sister can puke better things.

Book Progress And All That Jazz...

So far my idea has changed more times than my socks, and I have allot of socks. Last week Lorenzo suggested the idea that instead of a 100 comic book characters, that I should have a 100 comic book concepts. (Something I couldn't explain to Jo in crit, which is never a good thing to be able to do.)

For Example. A mutant is a concept and so is the idea of wearing capes or being an alien. To me it was fantastic idea and I jotted down as many concepts as I could think of before having to scour Comic Vine (It's a slow site, not your computer). The nerds over there have categorised as many concepts that crop in a wide array of comics. However, as I know more about Marvel that any other publisher, I've decided to stick to that. (Though I'm looking at a DC tittle at the mo ¬ ¬...I feel sort of dirty but it looks interesting...)

(They're in the wrong oder...Sorry ¬ ¬) But going from bottom up, they where some of the first idea's. But I thought I thought it looked very restricted and wanted something more free and personal.

Then I remembered a quote along these lines: I'm sorry, I left my super hero hand book in my other tights(!) *warning, Wiccan Sarcasm ahead*

Dug out my young it then realized I was supposed to doing work. XD:

So now my book is going to be based around a note book. As if someone was studying to be a superhero and needed a handbook. You just know it would be this note book type thing that's been passed from side kick to side kick. (Even though Marvel have had a no side kick policy since buckys death...that seems to be changing. Why yes, I am a nerd, thanks for noticing.)

I was wondering what kind of media I could print this information onto and I had a ponder in the liabry and came across a brown paper sketch book:

(Well it is whited it a did the groovy throw we have ;D)

I had a blonde moment and couldn't figure out how I was going to get all the pages off. For some reason i thought I could only get the cover off. Thanks to my mum, I figured it out ;D

Don't worry, there is a method to my madness and I shall get this to work how it looks in my head...somehow...ukk.

Friday, 23 January 2009

More Funky: What Is A Book?

So looking around the Internet I came across these books. It sort of followed after what Fred mentioned about a book not having to be book shaped.

"The Death Stairs of Manhattan"

"The Emperors Clothes"

"A quirky little duster made from philosophical texts"

I'm also rather fond of old books that you can buy in charity shops that can be draw over/on.

And who said books even need words?

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

The Amazing Booklet

I decided over X-mas break to research and categories a 100 comic books from my collection. About half way through counting another page I wondered why the hell I chose the subject, but i persevered like a good little student and I got it done! With very little ink left in my printer too ;D

I had no weekend...I had no sleep...I spent so much time on this booklet yet it some way, it doens't look very much. In an other way, it looks as if I've done a heck of allot.

Each page was individually done, each picture had to be found and cropped. I had to scour the internet to find info on all of the characters because unless they were Marvel of DC, they didn't have a data base. I just. DX I miss counted, I went over so I have to re do the middle page at some point.

My response was helpful, that maybe I should re work the colour a little. (I'm not a fan of red either, I thought it just looked iconic.) I didn't add a contents page because I had no room or spare pages to do so. They basically wrote everything I would have done If I had more pages...

Though being told it was too Niche was rather irritating. Who else is going to read a booklet of comic characters unless they're into that thing.

No matter how graphically pleasing a booklet on handbags is, I'm still not going to read it...

There where some good idea's though about grouping characters/teams/publisher and all that so I'll take that into consideration for when I make my final book/s. I'm not sure whether I'm going to do one of two or more of these things. And as I'm not much of a DC fan (don't judge me ¬ ¬) so I may just stick to Marvel...who knows.

(I just had to convert from CMYK to RGB to post this...otherwise everyone would have been blue and purple =D)

Techy Wecky Stuff:
Format: A5 portrait
Pages: 32 plus cover pages.
Cover Stock: 100gsm red card
Page Stock: 80gsm copier paper white
Typeface: Calibri Bold 11pt, regular 10pt and Andrew Warren 2.0 with white fill and 4pt black stroke.
Binding: Stapples baby~~~

Marvel Database
DC Database

Thursday, 15 January 2009

What Is A Book?

I read an awful lot of books/comics and most of the time I'm drawn into reading them from already knowing the content. However, what I really like are interesting looking covers like this one for example:

I like a bit of steampunk. There's just something a little odd about the fact that it could actaully work....*cough*...want it:

But that's not a book...unfortunately. 

Book Of 100...

Statement on intent.

1. State the title and focus of your work in response to the brief.
I'm presuming this is for our week brief (to produce a 32 page booklet of some kind)...So if it's wrong, I apologise. My title is going to be "A 100 known and clearly very unknown comic characters." Possibly until i think of a better tittle. I'm going to have 30 pages filled with a 100 comic characters, inked and coloured with their Codenames. As they needed to be double pages spread for what I am achieving I will have page 1 and page 32 free for contents and a disclaimer page. (As the art work is not fully mine. They will be freehand copy's of original work to same time/brain power.)

2. Identify specific area's of research that you intend to investigate and the methods that you will use.
I have been researching many of the artists who have drawn these characters over the years and also which writers have their current run (if any). As some of the characters are deceased or currently unused, they too will also be identified.

3. Identify specific practical methods and technical process that you intend to use in order to visually develop your ideas.
I will be using illustrations that I have done over the week. They will be sketched in pencil, inked with various black pens and then scanned into Photoshop to be cleaned and the flat colours to be laid down. The names and numbers will be added in Photoshop as well as coloured backgrounds. I will explore the idea of how to colour fast, whether I do whole sections or leave some with our colour in the Background.

4. What methods will you use to evaluate the progress and success of your work?
I will evaluate the success of my work by group responses and to gather information on what I could do to improve my work.

This guy rocks: