So the other day I was feeling notoriously sorry for myself and decided I'd whine about it over on DA. My good friend over there gave some hints and tips for my art work and just general Graphic Design. (He's American, but roughly did the same course as us.) Many of you will know these sites, e.g twitter, cafe press but I thought over all the list was epic and handy to have.
From the Karl man himself:
"OK... this is kind of a long list and it's really only a few things I have on my delicious account ( [link] ). If you aren't familiar, it's an online social bookmarking site, where your shared posts are listed for other users and theirs are also listed where you can find them.
I also see a lot of potential for Twitter ( [link] ) as a promotional tool.
Ok, let's start with the Graphic Design blogs.
AG Design [link]
BODO [link]
You the Designer [link]
Blogs for working freelance
Freelance Switch [link]
Dumb Little Man [link]
Not too familiar with Speckyboy, but this [link] looked like it might be interesting, so I bookmarked it.
And places to bid on Freelance gigs.
Sologig [link]
Behance [link] (more of an online gallery/social network...)
Promotional things, in the event you decide to go the Webcomic route. [link] (not just for Webcomics, though...)
Webcomic Promo Guide [link]
The Webcomic List [link]
The Webcomic Network [link]
Smack Jeeves [link] (Webcomic hosting.. also [link] [link] and that thing DC was doing)
Project Wonderful [link] (Actually for cheap ads)
Webcomics Asylum's Promotional Articles [link]
Tutorials for Photoshop and other things...
Good-Tutorials [link]
Vandalay [link]
PSDTUTS [link] (there are also about 5 others in this cluster which apply to other programs and the like...)
Six Revisions [link]
PSD Fan [link]
Articles that may be of use.
Accounting basics for Freelancers [link]
Beginner's Guide to Freelance Business Processes [link]
How to win jobs on bidding sites [link]
Building a killer online portfolio... [link]
And of course, Cafe Press [link] and Kuler [link]
If you decide to start up a Twitter account, PSDTUTS and the associated pages all have accounts that point out new tutorials when they go up. Also a LOT of comic writers are on there... I can be found at [link]
I think I've dropped enough for now, though if I wanted to I could probably go on.. lol"
So go crazy, use them. Or don't. Most of this will mean nothing to allot of you, but I'm sure as hell glad I had that moaning journal. XD
And If I see one more thing related to Twilight, I'm going to have to gut something just to make myself feel better. ¬ ¬...Really, I'd rather pull of my eyeballs through my arse then ever have to read that again.
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Friday, 20 February 2009
What Is A line: Part 5
"And On The 5th Day, God Made The Velosorapter"
I've been meaning to update this all week, I swear. I just have a heck of allot of new horror books to get through.
But for the "What Is A Line Brief" I had a fantastic idea. Though I have to thank Stephen Fry and my year 11 science teacher for originally telling it too me.
"If the history of the Earth began on January 31st then Dinosaurs would begin life on December 5th and would all be dead by the 24th. Humans would start life at 5 minutes to midnight on December 31st."
I think I'd love to make a 12 month calender....I'd have to look at the history of the earth and put into ratio with the above statement.
I've been meaning to update this all week, I swear. I just have a heck of allot of new horror books to get through.
But for the "What Is A Line Brief" I had a fantastic idea. Though I have to thank Stephen Fry and my year 11 science teacher for originally telling it too me.
"If the history of the Earth began on January 31st then Dinosaurs would begin life on December 5th and would all be dead by the 24th. Humans would start life at 5 minutes to midnight on December 31st."
I think I'd love to make a 12 month calender....I'd have to look at the history of the earth and put into ratio with the above statement.
Thursday, 12 February 2009
What Is A Line Continued! Part 4
From my crit the other day I have been looking at various forms of family trees/time lines and stuff like that.
So first off I looked at the usual history of the earth:
I'm an Evolutionist...I like science. I also don't like to think there is a freaky old man sat on a cloud judging me when I try to look at stuff on the internet.
I digress. The poster is in German and I never paid attention in German but you get the basic jist of it. I do like the fact that we all came from a common ancestor. We are ickle wiggle worms deep down.
Then I looked at the history of man, always a good one:

I think that man needs a bigger computer desk.
Then from then I looked at Nintendo like Will suggested:
So first off I looked at the usual history of the earth:
I'm an Evolutionist...I like science. I also don't like to think there is a freaky old man sat on a cloud judging me when I try to look at stuff on the internet.
I digress. The poster is in German and I never paid attention in German but you get the basic jist of it. I do like the fact that we all came from a common ancestor. We are ickle wiggle worms deep down.
Then I looked at the history of man, always a good one:

I think that man needs a bigger computer desk.
Then from then I looked at Nintendo like Will suggested:
End Of Module Self Evaluation
Module: OUGD102 ? (it is 102 or 202)
1. What Practical skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
In this module, I have used a wide range of skills I have learnt how to bind a book using the perfect bound method. I had wanted to do perfect bound originally for my final project but opted for spiral bound instead. This was because of the whole “side kick note book” I had at first.
I have also tried to use more illustration in the project, as it is something I really want to start working with more. This means I will have to start practicing my illustration skills.
2. What approaches to/methods of problem solving have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
As research has been the main focus for this module, i have tried to push myself further than past briefs. This is becasue research is not my strong point. The way I look at it, it is but compared to what other people produce, research wise, is always greater. it was something that was picked up on with my last submission. I knew who my target audience would be and so I stuck with my concept of using known characters. I did think to use my own characters but I belived that this would only confuse people. (For this kind of book I did not want to ahve it both ways. I knew that most people would ahve no idea who many of the characters where but I would have felt it was cheating if I have put in my own.)
When i started I did not quite know what direction I would ahve lied to ahve gone in. As usual, it's the end of the module and I suddenly have all of these ideas. What competely stumped me was that I could have simply made a comic book. This had not even crossed my mind. (Which was very strange...)
3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
The research i collected was rather useful for the purpose of the book. However, I think the actauly writting content of the book is one of my strongest points. I have used friendly language and my own banter to urge readers to turn the pages. The illustrations where not as strong as i had wanted them too be and I did end up falling short and using past illustrations of mine.
4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?
Not nessisarliy a graphical error, but I do have to try and work on remembering to run my things through a spell checker. And, as ussual, I have run out of time or mis judeged how much time I actually have. I also think that i could have worked on the art work more and spent more time on it.
5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
1. Go for the obvious idea. This was pointed out to me that sometimes you just need to sit back and try and get out the obvious. I'll try not to go for the "Killer Idea" and maybe that way I won't be stll stumbling along in week 3/4.
2. Document my things more photographical and to update my blog with this information. This way I can better organise my ideas and refer more easily to previous work.
3. Work with more stock and more binding ideas. Not to just get one idea and think that that is what i have to stick with.
4. Store away each project when it comes to the end. That way I will know where everything is and I'll be able to file it better when it comes to submission.
5. Print this evaluation out and keep it in sight so I know what mistakes to avoid and what I am supposed to be doing to help myself.
6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor
1. What Practical skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
In this module, I have used a wide range of skills I have learnt how to bind a book using the perfect bound method. I had wanted to do perfect bound originally for my final project but opted for spiral bound instead. This was because of the whole “side kick note book” I had at first.
I have also tried to use more illustration in the project, as it is something I really want to start working with more. This means I will have to start practicing my illustration skills.
2. What approaches to/methods of problem solving have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
As research has been the main focus for this module, i have tried to push myself further than past briefs. This is becasue research is not my strong point. The way I look at it, it is but compared to what other people produce, research wise, is always greater. it was something that was picked up on with my last submission. I knew who my target audience would be and so I stuck with my concept of using known characters. I did think to use my own characters but I belived that this would only confuse people. (For this kind of book I did not want to ahve it both ways. I knew that most people would ahve no idea who many of the characters where but I would have felt it was cheating if I have put in my own.)
When i started I did not quite know what direction I would ahve lied to ahve gone in. As usual, it's the end of the module and I suddenly have all of these ideas. What competely stumped me was that I could have simply made a comic book. This had not even crossed my mind. (Which was very strange...)
3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
The research i collected was rather useful for the purpose of the book. However, I think the actauly writting content of the book is one of my strongest points. I have used friendly language and my own banter to urge readers to turn the pages. The illustrations where not as strong as i had wanted them too be and I did end up falling short and using past illustrations of mine.
4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?
Not nessisarliy a graphical error, but I do have to try and work on remembering to run my things through a spell checker. And, as ussual, I have run out of time or mis judeged how much time I actually have. I also think that i could have worked on the art work more and spent more time on it.
5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
1. Go for the obvious idea. This was pointed out to me that sometimes you just need to sit back and try and get out the obvious. I'll try not to go for the "Killer Idea" and maybe that way I won't be stll stumbling along in week 3/4.
2. Document my things more photographical and to update my blog with this information. This way I can better organise my ideas and refer more easily to previous work.
3. Work with more stock and more binding ideas. Not to just get one idea and think that that is what i have to stick with.
4. Store away each project when it comes to the end. That way I will know where everything is and I'll be able to file it better when it comes to submission.
5. Print this evaluation out and keep it in sight so I know what mistakes to avoid and what I am supposed to be doing to help myself.
6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor
Attendance 4
Punctuality 4
Motivation 4
Commitment 4
Quantity of work produced 4
Quality of work produced 3
Contribution to the group 4
Punctuality 4
Motivation 4
Commitment 4
Quantity of work produced 4
Quality of work produced 3
Contribution to the group 4
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
You're The One That I want!
By Jamie Smart, Author and artist of "Fantastic Mr. Bear."
I have his old drawing board ;D
I have his old drawing board ;D
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
What Is A Line: Part 3
Statement Of Intent:
For my "What Is A Line?" project, I am going to look at family tree's and other such times lines. I've always been interesting in this kind of stuff and finding out who I am. It also helps that I already have a certain amount of family history knowledge, and the know how to make a a fairly decent standard tree. (See Past Posts)
For my "What Is A Line?" project, I am going to look at family tree's and other such times lines. I've always been interesting in this kind of stuff and finding out who I am. It also helps that I already have a certain amount of family history knowledge, and the know how to make a a fairly decent standard tree. (See Past Posts)
From the crit I've just had, there was allot of feedback about perhaps looking at this from a more data approached angle. Along with the sex, age ect I could have a number of information about each one of my relatives. There was also an idea about an event trigger tree, how one thing links to another.
Other ideas where to look at evolution times likes and even the tube system for the way the data is recorded.
Let's see if we can get this show on the road~~~
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
More Lines! Part 2
"It needs more LINE more TONE" *scribble scribble* = My year 8 art teacher who was a mad French woman. My cousin put caly in her coffee every lesson and she always drank it ;D
By Cidaq over on DeviantART:

(On The Line made with ink and water colour)

By Cidaq over on DeviantART:

(On The Line made with ink and water colour)
There's just somthing about this piece that always makes me smile.
The crow: What the fuck do you think you're doing.
2nd crow: Leave it out Dave...
I also found this guys sub gallery over on DA:
The crow: What the fuck do you think you're doing.
2nd crow: Leave it out Dave...
I also found this guys sub gallery over on DA:

He's from Croatia so his English isn't taht strong but from what I understand it's done with a normal light bulb and a camera. Standard stuff really but I think they have a really nice affect.
And though it's not great artistically, it makes up for it by being accurate and humorous:
And though it's not great artistically, it makes up for it by being accurate and humorous:
You Are My Home...
"The Life & Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby" By Charles Dickens.
(Tl;dr but please try...)
For my Illustration Class we where to put across that we where proposing for a new film in what ever way we wanted. I choose to promote NN in a comic book fashion.
I've read the original and I have the 2002 film with Jamie Bell (Smike) and Charlie Hunnam (Nicholas) and it's one of my favourite story's by one of England's greatest writers.
I also looked at the work of Adrian Alphona , a Canadian artist who worked on Volume 2 of "The Runaways". So the art work is highly based on his way of penciling though I don't think I did it an ounce of justice. (Their shoulders are too stiff.)
I think that if a comic book was to be made of NN, then One) I'd love to script it XD and two) Alphona would have to pencil it. Mostly because he has such hilarious looking things hidden away in the Backgrounds of his work. I also like how he draws tall people and not so much the buffed out superhero.
I worked with a couple of textures for this piece. Mostly becasue I'm lazy and secondly, becasue I wanted to try something different so the character is the only one you're focused on, very much like the original story. (Though at some stage I went mad with it and now It doesn't quite have the affect I want.)
I also get the gayest vibes off of this very innocent little wording. *coughs*
Smike:where will you go?
Nicholas: Perhaps to Liverpool. I could find work on a ship. Do not be anxious. Before I do anything, I will get you to your home. Where is it?
Smike: ... You are my home.
Nicholas: Smike!
Smike: Please, may I go with you to the sea? I will be your faithful, hard-working servant. I will. I promise I will. I want only to be near you.
I did in the book as well, but that was only becasue Nicholas wakes up with Smike wrapped around him in a barn in the middle of Yorkshire. But despite that, it's a story I favour more than any X-men saga it's self. Which says an awful lot for me, I.E a geek.
Textures: , , ,
Art Work (c) Me
Characters (c) The Estate of Charles Dickens.
PS: Colours may have Royally screwed up becasue it was made with print in mind (CMYK). I've had to change to RGB to post it on the Internet.Which took forever to change! Bah...!
Monday, 2 February 2009
So..What Is A Line? Part 1
For my "What Is A Line?" brief I have been looking at family tree's. Mostly becasue it was the first thing that came to mind but also because it's something I've been interested for a while now.
I have a lot of information on the Wortley side of my family which is my Dad's side. Not so much my mums side as that...well, it's hard to track.
I have a copy of an on going tree going back to the 1700's. It's in complete but I think that will be a great starting point:

(I'm the oldest granchild and great grand child on both sides of the family ;D)
I have a lot of information on the Wortley side of my family which is my Dad's side. Not so much my mums side as that...well, it's hard to track.
I have a copy of an on going tree going back to the 1700's. It's in complete but I think that will be a great starting point:

(I'm the oldest granchild and great grand child on both sides of the family ;D)
So I think I'm going to do something based around this, but first I'm going to look at some existing family tree's that take on a more graphic feel.
However, looking for these types of tree's all I could Find where Harry Potter related things...Like the Black and Weasley family tree. That's all well and good but...XD Oh well, i'll find something.
That is all.
However, looking for these types of tree's all I could Find where Harry Potter related things...Like the Black and Weasley family tree. That's all well and good but...XD Oh well, i'll find something.
That is all.
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